You can find most of my archival publications below or on Google Scholar. If you have trouble finding any of them, please feel free to ping me for a copy. My non-archival papers (e.g., ICA papers) are listed on my CV.
- Aitamurto, T., Borges-Rey, E., and Diakopoulos, N. (2023). The Future of Design + Journalism: A Manifesto for Bridging Digital Journalism and Design. Digital Journalism, 11(3), 399–410.
- Aitamurto, T., Royal, P. G., & Saldivar, J. (2023). Disagreement, Agreement, and Elaboration in Crowdsourced Deliberation: Ideation Through Elaborated Perspectives. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA’23), pages 1–10.
- Aitamurto, T. (2023) Normative Questions in Immersive Journalism. In Insights on Immersive Journalism. Ed. Ana Luisa Sánchez Laws, pages 107–123, Taylor & Francis.
- Aitamurto, T., Aymerich-Franch, L., Saldivar, J., Kircos, C., Sadeghi, Y., and Sakshuwong, S. (2022). Examining augmented reality in journalism: Presence, knowledge gain, and perceived visual authenticity. New Media & Society, 24(6), 1281–1302.
- Stein, K., Yao, Y., and Aitamurto, T. (2022). Examining Communicative Forms in #TikTokDocs’ Sexual Health Videos. International Journal of Communication, 16 (23).
- Aitamurto, T., Won, A. S., & Zhou, S. (2021). Examining virtual reality for pro-social attitude change. New Media & Society, 23(8), 2139–2143.
- Aitamurto, T., Stevenson Won, A., Sakshuwong, S., Kim, B., Sadeghi, Y., Stein, K., Royal, P., & Kircos, C. (2021). From FOMO to JOMO: Examining the Fear and Joy of Missing Out and Presence in a 360° Video Viewing Experience. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’21), pages 1–14.
- Aitamurto, T. (2020). La production participative dans l’élaboration des politiques publiques. Pouvoirs, N°175(4), 89-100.
- Aitamurto, T. (2019). Normative paradoxes in 360° journalism: Contested accuracy and objectivity. New Media & Society, 21(1), 3–19.
- Aitamurto, T., Ananny, M., Anderson, C. W., Birnbaum, L., Diakopoulos, N., Hanson, & Ritchie, N. (2019). HCI for Accurate, Impartial and Transparent Journalism. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA’19). pages 1–8.
- Aitamurto, T. (2019). Crowdfunding for Journalism. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies, Eds. Tim P. Vos and Folker Hanusch, pages 1–4, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Aitamurto, T. (2019). Crowdsourced Journalism. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Ed. Henrik Örnebring, pages 1–19, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Won, A.S., Aitamurto, T., Kim, B., Sakshuwong, S., Kircos, C., & Sadeghi, Y. (2019). Motivation to Select Point of View in Cinematic Virtual Reality. In IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (IEEE’19), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pages 1233–1234.
- Chen, K., & Aitamurto, T. (2019). Barriers for Crowd’s Impact in Crowdsourced Policy- making: Civic Data Overload and Filter Hierarchy. International Public Management Journal,22(1), 99–126.
- Hansson, K., Ludwig, T., & Aitamurto, T. (2019). Capitalizing Relationships: Modes of Participation in Crowdsourcing. Journal of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 28(5), 977–1000.
- Goel, A., Krishnaswamy, A. K., Sakshuwong, S., & Aitamurto, T. (2019). Knapsack Voting for Participatory Budgeting. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 7(2), 8.
- Aitamurto, T., Zhou, S., Sakshuwong, S., Saldivar, J., Sadeghi, Y., & Tran, A. (2018). Sense of Presence, Attitude Change, Perspective-Taking and Usability in First-Person Split-Sphere 360° Video. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’18), pages 1–12. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Aitamurto, T., & Varma, A. (2018). The Constructive Role of Journalism. Journalism Practice, 12(6), 695–713.
- Aitamurto, T., Boin, J.-B., Chen, K. , Cherif, A., & Shridhar, S. (2018). The Impact of Augmented Reality on Art Engagement: Liking, Impression of Learning, and Distraction. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Applications in Health, Cultural Heritage, and Industry (VAMR’18), Vol. 10910, pages 153-171. Springer Nature.
- Aitamurto, T. (2018) Innovation and empowerment in Finland: How citizens and technology are reshaping government through crowdsourcing. In Opening Government: Transparency and Engagement in the Information Age, pages 123–133, Australian National University Press (ANU), Canberra.
- Aitamurto, T., Landemore, H., & Saldivar, J. (2017). Unmasking the crowd: participants’ motivation factors, expectations, and profile in a crowdsourced law reform. Information, Communication & Society, 20(8), 1239–1260.
- Aitamurto, T. & Saldivar, J. (2017). Examining the Quality of Crowdsourced Deliberation: Respect, Reciprocity and Lack of Common-Good Orientation. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA’17), pages 2314–2321. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Aitamurto, T., & Chen, K. (2017). The value of crowdsourcing in public policymaking: epistemic, democratic and economic value. The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 5(1), 55–72.
- Aitamurto, T., & Saldivar, J. (2017). Motivating Participation in Crowdsourced Policymaking: The Interplay of Epistemic and Interactive Aspects. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM HCI): CSCW, 1 (18), 1–22.
- Hansson, K., Aitamurto, T., & Ludwig, T. (2017). From alienation to relation: Examining the modes of production in crowdsourcing. In Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Exploratory Papers (ECSCW’17), pages 119–137. European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET).
- Aitamurto, T. (2016). Collective Intelligence in Law Reforms: When the Logic of the Crowds and the Logic of Policymaking Collide. In 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’16), pages 2780–2789. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
- Aitamurto, T. & Landemore, H. (2016). Crowdsourced Deliberation: The Case of the Law on Off‐Road Traffic in Finland. Policy & Internet, 8(2), 174–196
- Aitamurto, T. (2016). Crowdsourcing as a Knowledge-Search Method in Digital Journalism. Digital Journalism, 4(2), 280–297.
- Aitamurto, T. & Landemore, H. (2016). Five Design Principles for Crowdsourced Policymaking: Assessing the Case of Crowdsourced Off-Road Traffic Law in Finland. Journal of Social Media for Organizations, 2(1), 1–19.
- Aitamurto, T., Chen, K., Cherif, A., Saldivar, J., & Santana, L. (2016). Civic CrowdAnalytics: Making Sense of Crowdsourced Civic Input with Big Data Tools. In Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference (Academic MindTrek’16), pages 86–94. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Aitamurto, T. (2016) Crowdsourcing in Open Journalism: Benefits, Challenges, and Value Creation. In The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. Eds. B. Franklin and S.A. Eldridge, pages 185–193, Taylor & Francis.
- Hansson, K., Muller, M., Aitamurto, T., Light, A., Mazarakis, A., Gupta, N., & Ludwig, T. (2016). Toward a Typology of Participation in Crowdwork. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (CSCW’16), pages 515–521. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Hansson, K., Muller, M., Aitamurto, T., Irani, L., Mazarakis, A., Gupta, N., & Ludwig, T. (2016). Crowd Dynamics: Exploring Conflicts and Contradictions in Crowdsourcing. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA’16), pages 3604–3611. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Aitamurto, T. (2016). Crowdsourced democratic deliberation in open policymaking: Definition, promises, challenges. International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI): Proceedings of the CSCW 2016. Workshop: Toward a Typology of Participation in Crowdwork, 13 (1) pages 79–90. February 2016, San Francisco, CA.
- Aitamurto, T. (2015). The Role of Crowdfunding as a Business Model in Journalism: A Model of Value Creation. In Crowdfunding the Future: Media Industries, Ethics and Digital Society. Eds. B. Chin, L. Bennett and B. Jones , pages 189––205, Peter Lang, New York.
- Aitamurto, T., Holland, D., & Hussain, S. (2015). The Open Paradigm in Design Research. Design Issues, 31(4), 17–29.
- Aitamurto, T. (2015). Motivation factors in crowdsourced journalism: Social impact, social change, and peer learning. International Journal of Communication, 9(1), 3523–3543.
- Lee, D., Goel, A., Aitamurto, T., and Landemore, H. (2014). Crowdsourcing for participatory democracies: Efficient elicitation of social choice functions. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP’14), 2 (1), pages 133–142.
- Aitamurto, T. (2013). Balancing Between Open and Closed: Co-Creation in Magazine Journalism. Digital Journalism, 1(2), 229–251.
- Aitamurto, T. & Lewis, S. C. (2013). Open innovation in digital journalism: Examining the impact of Open APIs at four news organizations. New Media & Society, 15(2), 314-331.
- Aitamurto, T., & Landemore, H. (2013). Democratic participation and deliberation in crowdsourced legislative processes: The case of the law on off-road traffic in Finland. In the 6th Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T’13), Workshop: Large-Scale Idea Management and Deliberation Systems.
- Aitamurto, T. (2012). Crowdsourcing for Democracy: New Era in Policy-Making. Publications of the Committee for the Future. Parliament of Finland. Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 978-951-53-3459-6.
- Aitamurto, T. (2012). Joukkoistaminen demokratiassa: Poliittisen päätöksenteon uusi aika. Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisuja. Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 978-951-53-3457-2.
2011 and earlier
- Aitamurto, T. (2011). The Impact of Crowdfunding on Journalism: Case study of Spot.Us, a platform for community-funded reporting. Journalism Practice, 5(4), 429–445.
- Aitamurto, T. (2011) New ecosystem in journalism: Decentralized newsrooms empowered by self-organized crowds. In In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR’11), Vol 822.
- Aitamurto, T. (2011). The new role of nonprofit organizations: From middleman to a platform organization. National Civic Review, 100(1), 40–41.
- Aitamurto, T., Leiponen, A. and Tee, R. (2011). The Promise of Idea Crowdsourcing – Benefits, Contexts, Limitations. White paper. IdeasProject, Nokia.
- Aitamurto, T., Sirkkunen E. and Lehtonen P. (2011). Trends in Data Journalism. Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT). Espoo, Finland.
- Aitamurto, T. (2011). Kehityssuuntia Yhdysvalloissa: Sisältötehtaat, tutkivat tukut ja yrittäjyys. pp. 37-45. Journalismikritiikin vuosikirja 2011. Media & Viestintä 1/2011. Ed. Sanna Kivimäki. School of Communication, Media and Theatre, Tampere University.
- Aitamurto, T., Heikka, T., Kilpinen, P. and Posio, M. (2011). Uusi kultakausi–kuinka sosiaalinen media muuttaa kaiken. [The New Golden Era—How Social Media Will Change Everything]. Barrikadi, WSOY, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 978-951-0-38223-3
- Aitamurto, T. (2009). Kymmenen väitettä journalismin tuhosta – ja miksi niistä ei kannata huolestua. Raportti journalismin trendeistä Yhdysvalloissa vuonna 2009. [Ten Claims About the Destruction of Journalism — And Why Not to Worry About Them. Report About the Trends in American Journalism in 2009]. Helsingin Sanomat Foundation, Finland.
- Aitamurto, T. (2004). Kun tavallinen tappaa. Sosiaalisen ongelman käsittely Heinojen surman herättämässä mediamyrskyssä. Nuorisotutkimus. 23 (4), 4-18.